Trouble Voting? We Want To Hear From You.

Help HuffPost and ProPublica investigate problems at the polls.
HuffPost and ProPublica want to hear about any problems you encounter at the polls.
HuffPost and ProPublica want to hear about any problems you encounter at the polls.

HuffPost is partnering with ProPublica’s Electionland project as part of a reporting collaboration to write about access to the ballot box in the 2018 elections. And we need you to alert us to problems at the polls so we can investigate them.

No tip is too small: We’re interested in long lines at polling places, as well as voters receiving incorrect information about voting. Are you missing from the voting rolls? Tell us about it. Did a voting machine glitch on you? We want to know about that, too.

Voting processes can vary widely from state to state ― from the kinds of IDs required at the polls to how aggressively states can remove people from the voting rolls.

Even when laws don’t include explicit prohibitions against voting, people can be disenfranchised by confusion. Well-intentioned poll workers, confused about complicated changes in election laws, may sometimes give people incorrect voting information. If you have a felony conviction, for example, figuring out whether you can vote can be a nightmare.

Here’s how you can contact us:

SMS: Send the word VOTE, VOTA (for Spanish) or 投票 (for Chinese) to 81380 (standard text message rates apply).

WhatsApp: Send the word VOTE, VOTA (for Spanish) or 投票 (for Chinese) to 1-850-909-8683.

Facebook Messenger: Go to

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