Mindful Holidays

Mindful Holidays
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“Mindful Holidays” to you!

I’ll keep this article short. I know that you are busy, especially this time of the year.

First of all, thank you. Your continued support in reading my health and happiness articles is priceless to me and my Ultimate Healing Journey team.

To wrap up 2017 in a nice bow, my team and I put together the top 5 mindfulness tips that we believe can support you during the hustle and bustle of season. Read them all and pick one or more to try until the end of the year so that you can enjoy the rest of 2017 in a fun and meaningful way.

The Top 5 Mindfulness Tips of 2017 are:

1. Gratitude – Find something to be grateful for each and every day until the end of the year. If you look for something good to be grateful for, you will find it. Focus on the good and prepare to reap all the “goodness and blessings” you have all around you.

2. Inner Circle – Let the people you hang around with the most know how much they mean to you. Who are they? What have they done to help you become the person that you are today? Why do you like being with them? Reflect on the people that made the most positive impact in your life in 2017 and tell them. This will deepen your relationship and make 2018 even better you for and for them.

3. Creative Expression – When stress or sadness is getting you down during this season, do something creative that will help you access mindfulness and relaxation. Any activity that allows you the fun and freedom to express yourself is great. It could be baking something for someone, playing an instrument or coloring in a coloring book.

4. Self-Care – Find time for caring for yourself. There are 1440 minutes per day. Use some of these minutes for you and only you. Schedule a date with yourself to do anything you want that will help you nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Schedule a massage for yourself, take a couple of hours to see a movie, or turn off the computer and phone and take a power nap. No matter what it is, just do it! You deserve it.

5. Emotional Detox – Although this is supposed to be “the most wonderful time of the year,” it can be the most difficult time for some people. It’s important to remember to give yourself permission to be human when you feel this way. When negative emotions arise, notice them and label the emotions you are feeling. Naming them is the start to feeling better.

If you are looking for more mindfulness ideas go to www.TheHappinessResult.com and get your copy of my book, journal, and coloring book. They make the perfect gift to help you get more from the present moment.

Happy and “Mindful Holidays” to you and yours! We at Ultimate Healing Journey will be taking a holiday break and will be back early January 2018.


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