More Being, Less Doing

More Being, Less Doing
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Hiding behind doing is a common trap many of us fall into, but it will always come at a cost.

I have spent what feels like many lifetimes, mastering doing. Achievement was a big part of my definition of success, and a trap I fell into in an attempt to fulfill many needs. The need to find my place in this world, to prove myself and to find my worth.

It turns out all this doing and searching is not what led me to find any of the above, or to discover my truth. I came to see the only thing I was really searching for, was the answer from myself that I am okay and everything is okay. It has been the practice of connecting inward that has helped me to see my true essence, and to better understand how much easier life can be.

Connecting from the inside out, has helped me to understand value doesn’t come from proving, fixing or doing – it is felt every time we see and accept who we are, as we are.

It has been the process of undoing that has helped me discover my being.

We can stay forever busy and distracted by our doing. We can keep busy in our actions. We can move from one thing to the other, without pause for reflection or celebration. We can fill our minds with thoughts and stories that keep us on the hamster wheel of needing to prove something, or to be something we are not.

When we see we have nothing to prove or fix, we are left with quiet space we don’t have to fill. We can just be, and experience life from a place of being okay and happy with who we are.

An immense feeling of gratitude is felt and grows outward every time we lean into our being. We say yes to our ‘being’ each time we move away from the kind of doing that sends us on a search, or distracts us from our truth.

When we live from the inside out, we no longer need that external validation to tell us we are okay – we just are. We can then lead our lives from the soft whisper that comes from within. The voice that guides us on our truest path and is not distracted, swayed or misled by the booming voice of the ever-searching ego. We can share our truth out to brighten and lighten the world.

What might change for you by connecting in and seeing all the beauty, light and truth that is you?

How might you embrace your being?

Image Licensed from Shutterstock

Emily Madill is the author of 11 books in the area of self-development and empowerment, both for children and adults. Her newest title ‘Fall in Love with Your Life, One Week at a Time’ is now being offered as an E-Course. 2016-06-16-1466047418-975306-Baliem2.jpg

Sign Up to receive Emily’s free weekly newsletter from her blog, Listening When the Soul Speaks, and receive a free copy of her E-Book, Reflections, a compilation of articles Emily shares on her journey to reaching her dreams.

If you are interested in connecting to who you are on a deeper level, or if you would like to create a self-care and self-love practice - check out Emily’s E-Course, ‘Fall In Love With Your Life, One Week at a Time’. It is a chance to create your own life practice in a way that is meaningful to you - all are welcome.

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