Mortgage Madness: Meetup To Discuss Loan Modification In Denver

Mortgage Madness: Meetup To Discuss Loan Modification In Denver

Are you having trouble with your mortgage or bank loans? Are you flummoxed by a byzantine process, or frustrated by a lack of modification options? You are not alone. Millions of families have been affected by the mortgage and lending crisis and many have had trouble converting or modifying their loans.

The Huffington Post has partnered with The Dylan Ratigan Show's week long "No Way To Live" series on the financial crisis as well as to bring some clarity to this situation. We invite you to meetup with other Huffington Post readers in Colorado who want to discuss the mortgage mess. Share stories, frustrations, and tips over coffee or drinks.

Here's how to get involved:
- Figure out where your Meetup will be.
- At the Meetup, introduce yourselves and start talking.
- After the Meetup, be sure to send photos and recaps for our follow-up story to

HuffPost Meetups are for readers, by readers -- so start collaborating now. Click on the widget below to find a meetup in your area!

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