Most Common Paid Holidays for Illinois' Private-Sector Workers in 2016

Most Common Paid Holidays for Illinois' Private-Sector Workers in 2016
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If you're looking forward to a couple days away from the office, the Illinois Chamber of Commerce has an idea which paid holidays you'll be getting in 2016.

The Chamber surveyed almost 500 firms in Illinois across different industries on how they'll be handling paid holidays in the new year.

The results find employers offering slightly fewer holidays, but a bit more personal time. Illinois workers will get an average of 8.8 paid holidays in 2016, down from 8.9 in 2015. But they can look forward to a few more personal days- an average of 2.9, up a bit from last year.

A variety of different holidays were included in the survey from the big ones like Christmas and Thanksgiving to smaller holidays like Casimir Pulaski Day and President's Day. Though some holidays got close to having all of the firms offer a paid holiday, none made it to 100 percent and some holidays are lower than 1 percent.

Check out which holidays most Illinois employees can take in 2016.


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