MoveOn Ad Uses "My Friends" Tic On McCain Lobbyists

MoveOn Ad Uses "My Friends" Tic On McCain Lobbyists

A new MoveOn ad posits who John McCain is really talking about when he says "my friends" -- his favorite lobbyists. Watch:

"With the economy on the skids and gas prices high, we can't afford a McCain Presidency paid for by Big Oil," said Eli Pariser, Executive Director of MoveOn. "McCain's campaign, stacked with lobbyists from Big Oil, promises four more years of the same Bush economic and energy policies."

The RNC reacted quickly -- with Tony Rezko and Bill Ayers. "Barack Obama has 'friends' of his own, including unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers who helped launch his political career, convicted felon Tony Rezko who helped purchase his home, and his campaign's chief strategist who at one point had the biggest lobby contract in New York state history, spokesman Alex Conant said. "As Obama's star starts to fade, his special-interest friends are responding to his campaign's pleas for help."

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