New Drug Tunnel Connecting Arizona And Mexico Discovered In Nogales (VIDEO)

WATCH: Police Uncover Cross-Border Drug Tunnel In Arizona

U.S. police uncovered yet another underground tunnel used to smuggle drugs between Arizona and Mexico. Authorities in the U.S. and Mexico raided the passageway from both sides of the border on Thursday, Nogales International reported.

Inside the 2-by-2-foot tunnel, Mexican police found and seized 550 pounds of marijuana. No arrests were made.

The raid was a result of the joint efforts of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Homeland Security Investigation (HSI) and U.S. Border Patrol's Tucson Sector.

"Through vigilance and close cooperation, we were able to shut down this passageway before it was used to bring significant amounts of narcotics into the United States," Kevin Kelly, assistant special agent in charge of HSI Nogales, said in a statement.

According to ICE, the tunnel, which connected Nogales, Ariz., to Nogales, Mexico, was completed as recently as this week. The tunnel lacked ventilation and electricity and was supported by wooden beams.

The entrance on Mexico's side was hidden five feet beneath the ground of a residential property, while the northern entrance was concealed by a covered embankment.

The 110-foot long passage is the newest of 22 cases of illicit passageways found in the Arizona region within the past three years, Reuters reports.

In November, two tunnels were found in Nogales six days apart. One of the passageways, which measured double the width and height of the newest tunnel, was said to be one of the most sophisticated tunnels found in Arizona.

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