NYC Musical Events Roll Out Biker-Friendly Ammenities

Rather than leave your bike chained up to a rusty green No-Parking pole, SummerStage attendants will watch your beloved fixed-gear while you take in DJ Lucho or Naganuma Dance.
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As New York City (finally) becomes increasingly biker-friendly, more and more New Yorkers are giving up their metro cards and biking through the city. This summer, more than ever, New York City's free concerts are becoming bike-accessible, as event planners begin to truly take cyclists into consideration.

For one, Governor's Island has become a biking haven, allowing bikers free ferry transport onto the island. For the third year in a row, Bike and Roll has instated their Free Bike Fridays program, which coincides with a variety of free shows at The Beach on Governor's Island. Although the company only allows for an hour of free biking on Fridays, perhaps its popularity will convince the city to follow in the footprints of more eco-friendly European and Asian cities and create a bike-sharing program.

Nevertheless, NYC is slowly adapting to its cycling enthusiasts, and SummerStage is helping to encourage biking to musical events this summer with their new bike valet. Teaming up with Transportation Alternatives , SummerStage offers free bike valet at every East River Park SummerStage event this summer. This adorable, and sustainable, service allows you to bike over to various shows on the river, from musical performances to dance and ballet. Rather than leave your bike chained up to a rusty green No-Parking pole, SummerStage attendants will watch your beloved fixed-gear while you take in DJ Lucho or Naganuma Dance.

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