The Latest Anti-Obama Conspiracy: President Bringing Muslims To Tranform US Into Islamic Nation

Deconstructing The Latest Anti-Obama Conspiracy

In the past few years, paranoid conservatives have cooked up all sorts of conspiracy theories about President Barack Obama. Some have claimed he has a secret plan to confiscate guns. Others have said he has a secret plan to confiscate IRA accounts. Still others have contended he's setting up clandestine FEMA concentration camps. And, of course, there's the big one: Obama's is an undercover socialist purposefully trying to wreck the US economy so he can implement a dictatorial takeover. But here's the mother of all right-wing conspiracy theories: Obama is scheming to bring tens of millions of Muslims--perhaps up to 100 million--from the Middle East into the United States in order to turn this country into an Islamic nation by the end of his second term.

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