Patrick Leahy Defeats Cow-Riding Primary Challenger Daniel Freilich

Patrick Leahy Defeats Cow-Riding Primary Challenger Daniel Freilich

MONTPELIER, Vt. - U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy has easily won a spot on Vermont's general election ballot.

The 70-year-old handily defeated political newcomer Daniel Freilich (FRY-lick) on Tuesday in the state's Democratic primary. Leahy was first elected in 1974 and is now the Senate's second-longest serving member.

Freilich, a 47-year-old U.S. Naval Reserve physician from Wilmington, was making his first run for elected office.

Leahy faces Republican Len Britton and five independent or minor-party candidates in the Nov. 2 general election. He also may face Freilich again. The defeated Democrat has said he'll run as an independent in the general election.

If you're wondering who Leahy's Democratic, soon-to-be Independent challenger Daniel Freilich is, check out his weird campaign ad, which appears to be an awkward parody of a hugely successful viral video ad campaign by Old Spice.

Watch Freilich's campaign ad:

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