Paul Rudd Completely Fools Conan With Fake 'Ant-Man' Clip

Paul Rudd Completely Fools Conan With Fake 'Ant-Man' Clip

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 30 times, like, what am I doing with my life?

One of Paul Rudd's running gags is to always show up to Conan O'Brien's show, say he has a clip from a new movie and then show the infamous wheelchair scene from the cheesy '80s film "Mac and Me." He has done it so many times that other guests have even joined in and tricked Conan with it, too.

This time, Rudd is in a Marvel movie, so unfortunately he had to bring "Ant-Man" footage. Lucky for us though, it looks like no one said it only had to be "Ant-Man."

"Conan" airs weeknights at 11:00 p.m. ET on TBS.

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