Pelosi's Office Informed Of Eric Massa's Conduct Months Ago

Pelosi's Office Informed Of Eric Massa's Conduct Months Ago

Sometime in October, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's office got a call from then-Congressman Eric Massa's (D-N.Y.) top aide detailing the Representative's questionable conduct.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that Massa's aide, Joe Racalto, made the call. Racalto was concerned that his 50-year old boss had effectively been living in a bachelor pad. The Congressman's roommates were all young, unmarried male staffers, and Massa was well known for using sexually suggestive language with them, one source told the Post.

Massa resigned from office as planned on Monday afternoon, causing the House ethics committee to close its brief probe into sexual harassment allegations against the Congressman Wednesday.

House Republicans have since cried foul, saying that giving Massa an effective pass because he agreed to step down is inconsistent with the way ex-Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.) was treated after his retirement.

In 2006, the House ethics committee decided to continue its investigation into charges that Foley had sent sexually explicit emails and text messages to young male pages even after Foley had left the House.

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