Politico Management Shake-Up Expected

Politico Management Shake-Up Expected

NEW YORK –- Politico Magazine Editor Susan Glasser is expected to be promoted this week to a larger leadership position at the Washington political news organization, according to sources familiar with the plans.

Glasser's promotion comes shortly after Rick Berke resigned last week as executive editor over strategic differences with co-founders John Harris and Jim VandeHei. It's unclear if Glasser would be assuming Berke's now-vacant position, but sources say she will be taking on an even broader role.

Berke, who joined Politico in 2013 after 27 years with The New York Times, had expected to have a more defined role in running the news organization and grew frustrated, according to sources.

Under such changes, Glasser would become the No. 2 editor in the Politico newsroom under Harris, the editor-in-chief. However, Harris is said to be increasingly focusing on Politico's expansion plans in Europe, according to sources.

Glasser and Harris did not respond to requests for comments. VandeHei, who last year moved from the executive editor position to become Politico's chief executive, did not respond to requests. Politico Chief Operating Officer Kim Kingsley also did not respond.

Glasser is a formidable journalistic talent, but she has also clashed with colleagues over what's been described as an aggressive management style. In April 2008, Glasser lost her position as Washington Post national editor following claims of low morale in the newsroom.

While Glasser had detractors, she also had supporters. Some Post colleagues viewed Glasser as a much-needed change agent at the paper. Tom Ricks, then a military correspondent for The Post, described Glasser at the time as “tough where tough is needed” and said he “could easily see, in a year or two, Susan at a top spot in the Post, or another newspaper, or a magazine.”

Indeed, Glasser became executive editor of Foreign Policy the following year and reinvented the magazine’s website. She was promoted in 2010 to editor-in-chief.

Glasser joined Politico last year to expand the site’s long-form journalism efforts, and she spearheaded the launch of Politico Magazine.

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