Reject Scott Pruitt As Head Of The EPA

Reject Scott Pruitt As Head Of The EPA
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Joshua Roberts / Reuters

Of all the misguided nominees that Trump has put forward for his agency heads, the potential head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt is the most egregious. Mr. Pruitt’s disastrous record in Oklahoma, his strong ties to polluting corporations, and outdated views on global warming make Trump’s choice not only a poor one, but a dangerous one for everyone on the planet. Anyone who wants to breathe clean air and drink pure water should immediately contact their representatives, sign a petition, or take some other action to stop this nominee now.

It’s like giving a cat burglar keys to a jewelry store! I agree with Eric Schaeffer, the executive director of the Environmental Integrity Project. Mr. Schaeffer wrote in the New York Times on January 18, 2017, “Yes, Mr. Pruitt would be an outstanding EPA administrator for polluters. But not for the rest of us. He is eager to see “regulatory rollback” at the agency he would lead. Lawmakers should instead send him back to the oil fields of Oklahoma.”

Let’s all fight to stop Mr. Pruitt before it’s too late!

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