iSword, World's First Sword Swallowing App, To Be Introduced By Ripley's

Ripley's Introduces World's First Sword Swallowing App: iSword

Sword swallowing isn't for everyone. In fact, it's for hardly anyone, which is why there are only a few dozen professionals swallowing swords.

"It took me four years and 13,000 unsuccessful attempts before I swallowed my first sword," Dan Meyer, a 10-time world champion swordsman, told HuffPost Weird News.

Most people don't want to swallow their pride long enough to learn to swallow a sword, but it will soon be possible to get a virtual taste of the sword-swallowing experience thanks to Ripley's Believe It Or Not!

The entertainment company has just introduced iSword, the world's first sword swallowing app for iPhones and iTouch devices.

Using a virtual sword swallower, players tries to shove a sword down to the lowest possible part inside his body without destroying any virtual bodily organs, according to Ripley's spokesman Tim O'Brien.

"You get points for how deep you go, but if you hit the stomach, there's a buzzing sound," O'Brien said.

Do a good job on the game and a player can eventually unlock an app that allows them to swallow a virtual sword of their own.

"Have you seen that app that makes it look like you're drinking a beer when you tilt your phone?" O'Brien asked. "This does something like that to the sword."

The app is available as a free download at the iTunes store, but O'Brien admits the app -- as good as it is -- may not be enough for someone who truly wants to stick a dagger down their gullet.

"I can't imagine anyone who really wants to be a sword swallower will be satisfied with just the app," O'Brien laughed. "It's more of a vicarious thrill for the rest of us."

However, Meyer thinks the app could at least be food for thought for people thinking about sword swallowing.

"I'm glad Ripley's made the iSword app so everyone can enjoy sword swallowing without the risk of injury and high medical bills" he said.

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