Rituals for Summer Solstice + Full Moon

Call a gathering of loved ones together, in person or on the phone. {You can also just gather with yourself, your sacred stones/candles, and the Sun}. Have each person light a candle, representing the Light of the Sun, Joy, and the Light that is always within us.
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Even as we've been navigating some grief and darkness in the wake of Orlando, the Light continues to beckon us towards its glow.

Monday, June 20th is not only the light-filled Summer Solstice, the mid-point of our year, but it is also the bright Full Moon. This is the first time in 70 years that a Full Moon has fallen on Summer Solstice.

It may not feel like a time to celebrate, but I promise you it is.
I promise that the medicine we can receive from the Earth is deep, and that our opening to magic in times of grief is good for us.

So, let's bring some celebration and ceremony to our lives.
Let's honor the light of el Sol at the Sol-stice as we gather on the lightest, longest day of the year!

photo found on Pinterest by: daughterofthesun77.blogspot.com

Here are a few rituals for this Summer Solstice Full Moon Magic:

1. Call a gathering of loved ones together, in person or on the phone. {You can also just gather with yourself, your sacred stones/candles, and the Sun}. Have each person light a candle, representing the Light of the Sun, Joy, and the Light that is always within us.

2. Bring summertime flowers to your altar, all kinds! There is a particular sweetness with orange and yellow flowers, and even tangerines, at this moment. You could bring strawberries, as well, which are now in season, and honey or other sweet things!

3. If you want, brew a flower tea {rose is nice} to enjoy with yourself, and your kin.

photo found on Pinterest by: Design*Sponge

4. Open your circle with a song, poem or prayer of sweetness and love. One song I've loved for years is the Long Time Sun song that feels appropriate for Summer Solstice {and is easy to sing along to!}. Find a poem or prose that feels yummy to you and read aloud.

5. With yourself or your circle of friends, reflect back on the first six months of your year: what has happened, what has opened up, evolved, changed? What felt like Light, Sun, Warmth? What Visions do you want to re-energize for the second half of your year? On your next go around, let every person call in all that they are celebrating and grateful for at this moment. You can spend some time writing your Visions out in this round, as well -- and keep them on your altar at home.

Other rituals for Solstice:

*You can take a candlelit bath

*You can light a candle and write out your reflections from the first half of your year, what you're grateful for, and what you'd like to manifest for the second half of the year

*You can release and de-clutter your closet or an area of your home, making space for New Sun Energy to stream in, enlivening your Visions.

*You could make a flower crown and infuse it with the energy of your Dreams and Visions, your intentions for the second half of the year

*You could create a Vision Board focused on Joy & Light for Summer.


Lots of love,


Sofia Rose Smith is a queer feminist intuitive guide, channel, lover of words and creator of Finding Magic. You can connect more with her by visiting her website.


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