Party Hack Behind IL GOP Money Transfer Scheme Gets Nod for Congress

Rodney Davis was chosen Saturday to replace retiring Congressman Tim Johnson on the ballot this November.
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Rodney Davis, a State GOP insider at the center of the Illinois Republican Party's money transfer scandal, was chosen Saturday to replace retiring Congressman Tim Johnson on the ballot this November.

Davis, who as long-time right-hand-man to Congressman John Shimkus and State GOP Chairman Pat Brady, has played a major role in making the Illinois Republican Party a national laughingstock. Most recently Davis helped orchestrate a quite possibly illegal contribution funneling scheme which has become a growing embarrassment to the party.

The discredited and unqualified Davis was inexplicably chosen over Erika Harold, a former Miss America, Harvard Law School graduate, and now a highly respected practicing attorney. The good-old-boys decided to reject the potential GOP rising star in favor of one of their own.

Today's vote was shameful, but not all that surprising given the decrepit condition of the Illinois GOP.

Doug Ibendahl is a Chicago Attorney and a former General Counsel of the Illinois Republican Party.

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