Roseanne Barr and Legendary Concert Promoter Leonard Rowe Talk about Racism in Hollywood

Roseanne Barr and Legendary Concert Promoter Leonard Rowe Talk about Racism in Hollywood
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The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

On June 24, I had the opportunity to co-host with Roseanne Barr on her show, heard each Sunday on KCAA radio.

Our guest was legendary concert promoter and long-time friend and manager of Michael Jackson, Leonard Rowe.

Our subject: racism in Hollywood.

Both Roseanne and I were shocked, but not surprised by the things we were hearing from Mr. Rowe. And we were shocked, but not surprised by the document(s) Mr. Rowe had in his possession and that were filed with the Court, yet completely ignored by the Court, to date.

Mr. Rowe talked about the inequities he witnessed in the industry against black concert promoters during his 30-plus years in the entertainment business. Inequities such as: no black concert promoter, in the 114 year history of The William Morris agency, had ever been allowed to engage in a contract with a white entertainer or artist for a concert performance. Yet, in reverse, white concert promoters are able to engage in contracts with artists, of any race -- black or white.

Another example: black promoters are required to pay a 50 percent deposit for the artist that they will promote for a concert. Yet, conversely, white promoters pay 0 to 10 percent as a deposit to promote any and all artist of their choice.

These are just two examples of the iniquities. There are many others, and those examples have been clearly illustrated in Mr. Rowe's 14-year racial discrimination and antitrust lawsuit against the "Hollywood" elite -- The William Morris Agency and Creative Artists Agency. (See Rowe Entertainment vs. The William Morris Agency.)

Mr. Rowe's lawsuit has the potential to chart a new path in which Hollywood conducts its business affairs -- i.e., to do business with people with no regard to race. The laws of this country say that this must be done. Rowe also states that this is 2012, not 1912. He also indicated that he felt compelled to come forward and confront this type of injustice in the entertainment industry or it will continue to go on.

Roseanne spoke from her own experiences in the business adding that racism is "built into the fabric" of Hollywood.

Roseanne and Rowe agreed that there are powerful people in the U.S. who do not want to see the Roseannes and the Rowes of this country come together to shatter the walls of discrimination.

However, the laws of this country speak otherwise, says Rowe. You can listen to this captivating interview here:

The court systems in America are turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to these types of injustices.

Look at an exhibit attached in Rowe's case here (this document represents one year; Mr. Rowe has 10 boxes of racially charged evidence and statements that was retrieved during discovery from the files of CAA and The William Morris Agency and were presented to the Court.)

And additional pleadings can be found here.

Judge Patterson has turned a blind eye and Leonard Rowe's own attorneys said the document listing the racial epithets did not exist -- concealing them from their own client and the Court. Evidently, perpetrating a fraud upon the Court.

American citizens must demand that the civil rights laws of this country are enforced.

Rowe's lawsuit is currently languishing on Judge Robert Patterson's desk.

In an effort to gain national attention to this noteworthy cause, Rowe is about to take his case on the road directly to the people of the United States. Leonard Rowe will appear at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, July 11 at 6 p.m. as a part of the McLendon Group dinner series. The public is invited.

In New York City, the Committee for the Elimination of Media Offensive to African People (CEMOTAP) is hosting a free event at the Black Spectrum Theatre in Roy Wilkins Park on Saturday, July 14 at 2 p.m. At both events, Rowe will also discuss his relationship with Michael Jackson and how he tried to save Michael from the clutches of Hollywood executives who regularly use vulgar language to characterize their own clients (a complimentary copy of Mr. Rowe's book, What Really Happened to Michael Jackson: The Evil Side of the Entertainment Industry, will be dispersed to everyone present.)

Attendees will be asked to help shine the light of justice on this preeminent case by writing to Chief Judge Loretta A. Preska and the Presiding Judge Robert P. Patterson of the Southern District of New York. Let this case be decided by a jury, which will assure that justice will prevail.

Preska's contact information is here. Patterson's contact information is here.

The American people must raise their voices -- justice denied for one is justice denied for all.

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