Apple's New iPhone 4 Commercial (VIDEO): Fantastic Or Fail?

Sam Mendes iPhone Commercial Makes You Want A New iPhone (VIDEO)

UPDATEDThe iPhone 4 has been revealed! (Click HERE for all you need to know.) Apple's ad department has a new iPhone commercial extolling the wonders of the new video calling app "FaceTime." Despite knowing that it only functions between two iPhones and while on WiFi, we have to admit this ad is pretty effective--what do you think? And how does it compare to Apple's new iPad ad?

Although Sam Mendes, director of American Beauty, Revolutionary Road, and other greats, is said to be directing a new iPhone ad, this commercial isn't his (as we previously stated). It was done by Andrew Zuckerman for Apple Internal.


More about iPhone 4:

  • iPhone 4 review roundup

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