Science Proves '30 Rock' Funnier Than 'S#*! My Dad Says' (INFOGRAPHIC)

Science Proves '30 Rock' Funnier Than 'S#*! My Dad Says' (INFOGRAPHIC)

After being dumbfounded that CBS' "S#*! My Dad Says" has been beating NBC's "30 Rock" in the ratings week after week (despite most critics preferring "30 Rock") Splitsider's Erik Voss set out to prove (with science!) that "30 Rock" is undoubtedly the superior show.

With an impressive quantitative breakdown of both show's story lines, cultural references, minutes of laugh track and more, Voss boils it all down to this handy infographic. What do you think? Does this change your opinion or just reaffirm what you already knew? Let us know in the comments! (Via Splitsider)

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