Selfie-Hating Photobomber Gets Treated To Epic Photoshop Battle


He has the worn look of a man defeated, someone who knows he’s fighting a lost cause but is fighting just the same.

An unidentified man wearing a “STOP TAKING #SELFIES” shirt at Campo de’ Fiori in Rome was captured on camera with a look of resignation in his face ― ironically, by a tourist snapping a selfie.

Here’s the original image posted on reddit by MicrowaveSama, who says the selfie-snapping man is her dad:

It’s not clear who the photobomber is, if he’s a local or just a tourist in an ironic T-shirt. Yet one thing is clear: This is the perfect material for a classic Photoshop battle.

Redditors went to work, and here are some of the best images of the selfie-hating photobomber:

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