Semper Fi, Gone Awry!

Semper Fi, Gone Awry!
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Semper fidelis, or its more common shortened version, semper fi, means always faithful and it is a motto adopted by the Marine Corps in the late nineteenth century as a symbol of the Corps’ devotion to country. It is now taking on a different and more sinister connotation in the form of former four-star Marine General John Kelly. The ominous metamorphosis of this hallowed motto shared by leathernecks everywhere from devotion to the principles undergirding our nation to one now apparently reserved for defense of its Commander-in-Chief is truly stunning and dangerous.

As White House Chief-of-Staff, Kelly is single-handedly effectuating two disturbingly seismic shifts in the way the nation is being run: first, he is promoting the notion that fealty to the boss trumps defense of the nation; second, he is emasculating the notion that the only line of defense for democracy in the Trump regime resides in military advisors who serve as the so-called “adults in the room.” Kelly not only does a grave disservice to the nation but also to those who have died to preserve its values, but he is also redefining the traditional dictum that American government is led by civilians.

By conflating politics in its rawest sense with loyalty to an individual, especially one who has made no secret of his authoritarian proclivities and who freely violates norms of social propriety when dealing with women, immigrants, minorities, civil rights, social injustice, police brutality, voting rights, freedom of press, and any sense of common decency (war heroes being the most ironic indecency whether it be John McCain or La David Johnson), is inexcusable. Under a sane administration it would be a fireable offense. Under this administration it is a test of loyalty.

General Kelly is as unfit for the role of Chief-of-Staff as Donald Trump is for the role of Commander-in-Chief. He has dishonorably discharged the duties of his position and if there is a shred of honor left in his body he should remove himself from the important role he plays in enabling the President to continue his irresponsible assault upon humanity. No less a traditional Republican icon than President Dwight D. Eisenhower (a former 5-star General) warned against the danger of conflict when military issues were infused into the political arena.

His successor, President Kennedy, a former military commander who might even under Donald Trump’s calculus qualify as a hero, after all he was not captured, learned a painful lesson in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba about relying exclusively upon military advice. When confronted with the Cuban missile crisis he astutely relied upon his own judgement and defied military options that would have precipitated a nuclear confrontation with the Soviet Union. The military presence surrounding Trump begs the question whether he has the capacity to do the same today.

The insidious influence of military commanders in the Trump administration should raise concerns among conservatives and liberals alike. Unfortunately, the inescapable realization has been that given the weak line-up of Trump’s Cabinet and senior advisers rational policy experts and political observers have little choice but to hope that people like Kelly, Mattis (Defense), and McMaster (National Security) would act as firewalls against the irrationality that defines this President. This is a dangerous proposition in the most optimistic of scenarios but in the current environment Kelly has failed spectacularly.

At this point the damage is irreparable and quite honestly embarrassing. A strong public apology to the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson and Congresswoman Frederica Wilson is still in order but will not repair the damage already done. The General should resign forthwith and begin a period of reflection upon his own sense of morality and his ultimate responsibility to protecting the country from the dangers inherent in Mr. Trump’s continued authority.

Speaking out forcefully against the direction we are heading on critical issues, whether they involve the Korean Peninsula, Iran, or any one of a number of domestic initiatives would be the ultimate act of dedication to the nation. That is a role General Kelly is well suited to tackle given his experience in the White House. It might restore the cherished motto that now appears to have been tarnished by his confusion over exactly what it should mean: namely, to be always faithful to the country not the con artist.

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