Serious About Showing What Happens in Washington is part of the current administration's effort to show how they work and where your money goes. And they're asking us for help.
This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email. is part of the current Administration's effort to show how they work and where your money goes.

They're asking us for help; here's some of the results of the first part of that interaction, from Vivek Kundra, the country's CIO:

  • Set clear agency targets for bringing agency data online;
  • Maintain a transparency dashboard to show progress towards releasing data;
  • Find new, standardized ways to inventory and prioritize agency data for publication in open, downloadable formats;
  • Collaborate with the third parties to continually improve;
  • Make as comprehensive as possible for non-classified information; and
  • Adopt data dictionaries to ensure that terms have the same meaning across agencies.

Next? How you can help:

  • Our goal is to improve collection, storage, and dissemination of data
    government-wide. We'd appreciate your feedback on how to improve and
    grow over time: How should we ask agencies to contribute data sets to
    Should we have them inventory and prioritize all their data? Or set a
    fixed number of data sets that must be published each year? Or set a
    voluntary target?
  • While our
    focus here is on developing government-wide policy for data
    transparency, we are also interested in hearing what new data you'd
    like to see on and why. We'd also like to encourage you to make suggestions directly to here.
  • Finally,tell us what types of applications you'd like to see built to leverageall this data. Share with us a little about why you think thoseapplications might be compelling. Better yet, if you are a softwaredeveloper, we encourage you to start using to build applications useful to businesses, government, and the American people!
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