This Woman In A Wheelchair Gets Hit On In The Most Absurd — And Offensive — Ways

"It's little comments like that where you realize you're being looked at as a fetish and not as a woman."

Lifestyle blogger Lolo doesn’t consider herself to be an inspiration simply for living her life ― and she doesn’t think you should either. But after hearing how the way the 31-year old, who uses a wheelchair, handles being fetishized, she might just be your new hero.

Lolo, who chronicles her life on YouTube and Instagram, recently shared just a taste of the offensive and outrageous ways she has been hit on in an interview with HuffPost.

“Literally someone has said leaving the club, ‘I’ve always wanted to eat a girl out in her wheelchair,’” she said. “It’s little comments like that where you realize you’re being looked at as a fetish and not as a woman.”

And it’s not just the way that she’s approached that’s often problematic. She explained that many times the language or actions men use when hooking up with her is objectionable too.

“You know, guys are always talking big shit anyway, like, ‘Oh, well, you ain’t gonna be able to handle me,’” she said.

But her response ― and general outlook ― is blanketed with positivity and humor. Recalling some of the tough moments she has experienced ― specifically as they apply to dating challenges ― Lolo said she simply has no time to stay in a negative headspace.

“I’ve got to live a positive life, or else I might as well just call it quits now and let time wither away at me, and I ain’t got time to do that,” she said. “I got shopping to do [Laughs]. I got clothes to buy.”

As for those men who claim she can’t “handle” them?

“It’s just like, child. Cheeseburgers and fries.”

Watch the full interview with Lolo above.

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