'Sh*t Civilians Say To Veterans' Is Exactly What America Needs To Hear

'Sh*t Civilians Say To Veterans' Is Exactly What America Needs To Hear

"How are you a veteran? You're not even old."

"You're way too pretty to be in the military."

"Have you ever killed anybody?"

Sound familiar, vets?

"Shit Civilians Say to Veterans," a video uploaded by YouTuber Ray Flores, humorously touches upon the seemingly endless misconceptions -- some laughable, others harmful -- that veterans live with each day. A parody of the popular "Shit Girls Say," Flores' video might hit close to home for vets, many of whom have to overcome demeaning stereotypes after their service, as Military.com pointed out.

While Flores created the video in 2012, its message is still all too relevant today.

Before You Go

Sergeant Rick Clement

Bryan Adams' Stunning Vet Photo Series


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