'Soda Ban' Would Target Overweight, Not Low-Income People (INFOGRAPHIC)

LOOK: Who The Soda Ban Targets

A ban on extra-large sodas would target overweight Americans, children and teens especially, according to a new Columbia University study. Low-income people would not be disproportionately burdened by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's proposed law, which would cap drink sizes at restaurants and event venues at 16 ounces. People who drink large sodas at home would not be affected.

“Our findings are clear: a law like this would address one of the fundamental causes of obesity—the growing portion size of sweetened drinks,” Dr. Y. Claire Wang, one of the researchers, said in a statement.

The ban was originally proposed by Bloomberg last year. It was blocked by a judge in March and is back in appeals court this week.

The U.S. leads the world in soda consumption as more and more American adults and children become obese.

UPDATE: The American Beverage Association said in a statement: "Obesity is a complex issue with many contributing factors beyond one type of food or beverage. A recent report found that in 2010, U.S. youth consumed 68 fewer calories and adults 45 fewer calories per day from added sugar in soft drinks than in 2000, yet obesity rates continue to rise. It's time for a comprehensive approach to addressing obesity."

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