State Has $831 Million In Capital Projects Ready

State Has $831 Million In Capital Projects Ready

At Barack Obama's press conference last Tuesday, ABC 7's Andy Shaw told him that across the country "mayors and county board presidents and governors are facing hemorrhaging budgets and ... are wondering, to paraphrase the late, great Mike Royko, 'Where's ours?'" In his response, the president-elect made clear -- and rightfully so -- that the Prairie State won't be in line for any extra goodies. Nonetheless, Illinois should certainly be near the front of the line when it comes to assistance and investment.

A new report from the National Governors' Association (NGA) has outlined $18 billion worth of ready-to-go capital projects that would give state economies a jolt and put folks back to work. As the Stateline graph below shows, Illinois ranks fifth nationwide, with $831 million worth of road, schools, and other infrastructure initiatives that could be started up within 90 days of receiving necessary funding:

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