Staying Strong at Standing Rock: This Week In Daily Giving

Staying Strong at Standing Rock: This Week In Daily Giving
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Standing Rock is the sixth-largest Native American reservation in the land area of the United States, with over 8,000 people from three different tribes calling it home. In the past year this region has been a sacred space filled with hope and cheers and pepper spray and protests. What have come as a result have been increased health risks, affecting those defending their land. Rupa Marya is working out of out of the tribal land with local residents, aiding them through the elements that makeup illness while providing medical care. What we at The Pollination Project have learned is that together, we are stronger. Together, a community of diverse individuals from all corners of the globe, we can bring meaningful and sustainable change.

Please join us as we celebrate our seven newest grantees to The Pollination Project family!

Wanjiru Wahmore, SGF Vegetable Garden, Maralal, Kenya. Girls acquire agricultural techniques while learning how to plant, care for and harvest produce, which in turn affords them a more balanced diet.

Ancha Baumann, Mandala Blessings, Middletown and Santa Rosa, California, USA. Art serves as a tool for internal exploration, allowing children, youth and families who were victims of a large fire to emotionally heal through reframing and rebuilding.

Mary A Stinchcomb, Woof Gang Rescue, Midwest United States. Homeless dogs facing euthanasia in the states of Wisconsin, Illinois, Kentucky and Indiana are rescued.

Pravin Khandpasole, DISHA Helpline, Amravati, India. A free, informative outreach service provides local victims with answers to inquiries on the criminal justice system, support services and socio-legal guidance.

Achi Rehema Tchakubuta, The Soap Making Factory Project, Kigoma, Tanzania. An upwards of forty women train in soap making, striving to foster a group of strong women and girls dedicated to hard work.

Rupa Marya, Do No Harm Coalition at Standing Rock, Standing Rock Tribal Land, North Dakota, USA. Local residents and medical students are trained in the structural and social elements of disease while offering basic care to an upwards of 5,000 people.

Beatrice Nyambura Wahu, Twashukuru Eco Friendly School, Lamu, Kenya. A second classroom is constructed from recyclables, affording an additional thirty vulnerable children in the region the opportunity to learn eco-friendly practices and art alongside basic education.

Do these global changemakers have you inspired to bring your ideas to a reality? Are you committed to using peace to bring justice to all things? We accept grant applications at all hours of all days of the year. We love to learn about projects spanning across the globe and cannot wait to come across yours!

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