Steve Jobs HECKLED At WWDC 2010 iPhone Demo (VIDEO)

Steve Jobs HECKLED At WWDC 2010 iPhone Demo (VIDEO)

Steve Jobs' unveiling of the new iPhone 4 at the Worldwide Developers Conference keynote Monday afternoon was one of the CEO's more eventful product launches--not just because of the new gizmo he debuted, but also because of the unexpected tech snafus that plagued his presentation.

Jobs' demo was thwarted repeatedly by data congestion on the WiFi networks at the conference.

He attempted to load the New York Times' website in order to do a side-by-side comparison of the iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS's resolution--but the new iPhone couldn't connect and displayed the error message, "Could not activate cellular network."

Such hiccups are a rare occurrence at Apple's "carefully choreographed" product launches and an audience member heckled Jobs as he struggled to display the website.

"Scott, got any suggestions?" Jobs asked as the iPhone failed to load. Some in the crowd booed.

An audience member screamed out, "Verizon!", which was met by cheers and applause by some.

See the exchange in the video below.


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