Student Loan Troubles & Debit Card Advice

Student Loan Troubles & Debit Card Advice
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Question: My Student Loans Leave Me Hopeless

Dear Steve,

I can't believe how much student loan debt I have. It feels like I can barely get by each month and there is no way for me to ever get out from under these loans. I have both federal and private student loans that add up to over $125,000. I graduated with a degree in graphic arts.

I'm ashamed to admit it but a lot of my private student loans were used for living expenses and just enjoying the college experience.

I can't afford my payments and soon my private loans will be coming out of deferment with balances that are already higher.

Stressed Out Beyond Belief


Dear Stressed Out Beyond Belief,

There are so many people who contact me who are in the same situation. It may be of little comfort but you are not alone.

Schools have little need to make sure the degree program you are pursuing is going to allow you to earn enough money to repay your loans. The job of the school is to sell students into seats so they can offer their product, education.

Student financial aid offices seem to be mostly focused on helping students to get loans to afford the tuition. They are not there to tell you if you are making a smart move by getting the loans.

Society places a large value on higher education and the conventional wisdom is that a college degree is going to be worth it regardless of cost.

Ironically, nearly 75 percent of people with student loans never finish their degree for one reason or another. They are saddled with debt and no tangible benefit to show for it.

One step that seems to escape, students, parents, and schools is some cost versus benefit analysis of what a specific degree will allow the graduate to earn and how much debt will be sustainable on that salary.

Once you are saddled under all of this debt all we can do is try to find the best options to deal with it. When it comes to the federal student loans the good news is there are some programs, like the Income Based Repayment program, that will allow you to keep your loans current at a reduced monthly payment. Based on your income, payments can be as low as $5 per month. After 25 years of low payments the balance will be forgiven. Your payment will adjust annually.

On the private student loans you mentioned a very key point. It seems your private student loans were not used for qualified educational expenses and thus not excluded from elimination in bankruptcy. For more on this see my article here and find out why many student loans are eligible for discharge in bankruptcy regardless of the common myth they are not.


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Question: Should I Avoid Using a Credit Card?

Dear Steve,

My friends tell me I should just use a debit card instead of a credit card. What you you think?

Confused in Credit


Dear Confused in Credit,

Excellent question. Most people think banks push debit cards because they are a better, smarter personal finance tool. Nothing could be further from the truth. Banks push debit cards because they earn fees from each transaction.

A credit card is a smarter financial tool to use to complete a transaction with more protection. When you hand someone your credit card you are not giving them the authorization to reach into your bank account like with the debit card. The credit card company acts as a buffer between you and the merchant. If there is a problem with the transaction the bank will fight for you without your bank account potentially being involved.

People can use a credit card without carrying debt. In fact the majority of credit card users never carry a balance. There is nothing that prevents anyone from paying off a credit card balance when they incur it or paying the bill in full before the due date to avoid an interest charge.

Personally, I never use a debit card.

Before I go I wanted to leave you with three easy action items you jump on right now to address your situation. Just click here.

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