Reddit Users Share Best Advice To Their 16-Year-Old Selves

24 Awesome Pieces Of Advice Every Teen Should Follow

Being 16 is kind of a big deal -- you're no longer a total n00b (a.k.a. high school freshman), you don't have to stress about college apps (yet) and you're probably on your way to getting that highly coveted driver's license (freedom!). But as much as there is to look forward to, that doesn't mean that this golden age doesn't come with its ups and downs. Luckily, the community of Reddit has some nuggets of wisdom to pull you through.

Users of the social site recently came together to share the one piece of advice they would tell their 16-year-old selves. From dating tips to getting along with the 'rents, they shared words of encouragement in addition to what they might have done differently.

Scroll down below to read our 25 favorite slices of advice that can be applied to any teen. Head over to Reddit for the full chain of responses and tweet us your fave at @HuffPostTeen!

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