Happy Birthday Terry Richardson!

Happy Birthday To Our Favorite Skeevy Hollywood Photographer

Today we're wishing a happy birthday to the plaid-donning, thumbs-up-flashing, star-crazed fashion photographer known as Terry Richardson.

The notoriously skeevy artist, part Nan Goldin and part Dov Charney, has a knack for convincing Hollywood's biggest celebrities to strip down and wink at the camera, often literally. Whether photographing his mom (topless) or President Barack Obama (not topless), Richardson maintains a signature style and a flair for low-fi theatrics.

"Mr. Richardson has become known for a kind of glossed-up 1970s porn chic that is popular in high fashion," wrote the New York Times' Laura M. Holson. "He seems to revel in making viewers squirm."

"He's the ultimate manifestation of the myth of the promiscuous photographer," said London curator Charlotte Cotton, to The Guardian. 'and his fashion work to date has played around with that myth and, in the process, had a real pertinence in an industry that tends to be conservative and anodyne."

He may creep you out, he may inspire you to wait in long lines to take a Facebook photo with him, but no matter -- Terry Richardson is one of the most recognizable names in contemporary photography. So in honor of the artist, we're sticking our thumbs in the air and showcasing some of Richardson's best star-studded Instagrams. Let us know your bday wishes for Mr. Richardson in the comments.

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