Texas Rep. Chet Edwards Endorses Obama

Texas Rep. Chet Edwards Endorses Obama

The Obama campaign has announced that Texas Representative Chet Edwards (who is President Bush's rep) is endorsing Barack Obama. Here is there statement:

"As the father of two young sons, I care deeply about the future of our nation, and that is why I am endorsing Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States. I believe Senator Obama can bring about real change in Washington--change that will make a positive difference for average working Americans struggling to keep up with the high costs of health care, gasoline and education," said Edwards, who represents the 17th Congressional District of Texas, which includes the home of President George W. Bush.

"Representative Edwards is a strong advocate for our men and women in uniform and I'm honored to have his support," Obama said. "Keeping faith with those who serve must always be a core American value and a cornerstone of American patriotism. Whether Democrat, Republican, or independent, we can unite with common purpose around the commitment to our servicemen and women that begins at enlistment and must never end."

"By voting for Senator Obama, we can say it is time to turn away from the divisive partisan politics of the past and work together for a brighter future for our children and our grandchildren. Now more than ever, we need a leader who can inspire us to do better, to be better. Barack Obama is that leader," said Edwards.

Edwards has earned bipartisan respect as a champion of veterans and military troops and their families. In 2007, as Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, he authored the largest increase in veterans' funding in the 77-year history of the Veterans Administration, and on March 4th of this year, he will receive the Veterans of Foreign Wars highest award given annually to only one Member of Congress.

"As someone who has spent most of my adult life fighting for veterans and for military troops and their families, I am convinced that Senator Obama will be a champion for better health care, housing and quality of life for those who have sacrificed so much for the American family. He knows that standing up for our troops, our veterans and their families is the right thing to do--for them and for our nation's security," said Edwards, who chairs the House Army Caucus.

"On behalf of my family and hard-working families all across Texas and America, it is a privilege for me to endorse Barack Obama for President."

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