That Chinese Sperm Bank Photo: You've Been Shanghaied

I conducted a little investigation and found that this picture first surfaced on the interwebz in late 2008, and it was immediately dismissed as a hoax by officials at Renji Hospital in Shanghai.
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I saw this NSFW photo on BuzzFeed this week, allegedly taken at a Shanghai sperm bank, and my immediate train of thought was, Yick Yuck What the Fuck Their Sperm Works but Their Hands Don't Being a Woman Blows.

And then that quivery Kate Bush song, "This Woman's Work," came on in my head, and I was pissed.

But I conducted a little investigation and found that this picture first surfaced on the interwebz in late 2008, and it was immediately
by officials at Renji Hospital in Shanghai, where the sperm bank is located. So why, then, does this meme still persist? A coupla theories:
  1. Because the world needs more Asian massage parlor jokes
  2. Because everything in China is wack and fucked-up and backwards, unlike in the West
  3. Because Asians are inscrutable, as are their customs
The only good to cum (yuk yuk, me so funny) out of this photo is that I'm no longer outraged, I'm just bored.

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