The stockings are hung by the TV with care, in hopes that great Christmas movies soon will be there. When you're nestled snug on your couch, looking for a spot of yuletide cheer, here are some of the Best Christmas Movies of All Time to get you into the spirit of the season:
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The stockings are hung by the TV with care, in hopes that great Christmas movies soon will be there. When you're nestled snug on your couch, looking for a spot of yuletide cheer, here are some of the Best Christmas Movies of All Time to get you into the spirit of the season:

#5. The Nightmare Before Christmas
What's this? When Jack Skellington came to Christmas Town 21 years ago, a holiday cult classic was born. When it comes to oddball adventures in gift-giving, Nightmare is hard to beat.

#4. Home Alone
Home Alone was the hit of the season in 1990, holding the #1 spot at the box office for twelve straight weeks and going on to spend a decade as the highest-grossing comedy of all time.

#3. Die Hard
It's easy to forget that Die Hard takes place at the Nakatomi Corporation's Christmas party, but it totally counts as a Christmas movie. Remember that the next time you get to pick. Yippee-ki-yay.

#2. Love Actually
Why settle for one Christmas movie when you can have like nine of them all smashed into 136 minutes of rom-com perfection? Christmas is all around me...and so the feeling grows.

#1. A Christmas Story
Did you get your very own Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model air rifle? No? Well, at least you didn't shoot your eye out. A Christmas Story captured a unique blend of humor and nostalgia that has made it a Christmastime staple for over thirty years, earning it the top spot on our list.

Happy holidays!

Agree? Disagree? Come join the conversation by visiting Culturalist to see all of this year's nominees and make your own list of the Top 10 Best Christmas Movies of All Time now!

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