'The Following': Ryan Tracks Down The Farmhouse, But The Rescue Doesn't Go As Planned (VIDEO)

'The Following': Shootout At The Farmhouse

Things are changing very quickly on "The Following." Ryan managed to find the farmhouse Joey was being held in, but finding the farmhouse and rescuing Joey proved to be two very different things. There were just too many variables -- and people -- to control that situation.

Joey took a little bit of control and managed to get a call out to his mother. His description of where he was being held helped Ryan and the FBI narrow down their search. Then, the trio got sloppy and Joey realized they were lying to him. So he ran away and found a nice couple at a neighboring farm.

Unfortunately, they recognized him and called it in. They did not survive their good deed, but it was enough to help Ryan and a local officer find the farmhouse before the threesome could escape with Joey.

TV Fanatic called it a "nail biting episode" culminating in a "fantastically frustrating cliffhanger." Ryan got into the house and managed to talk to Joey, but just as he was going to try and get the boy out, Paul showed up behind him with a gun.

TV Overmind thinks "The Following" is straining credulity a bit more each week -- this week, Carroll's power over his attorney proved particularly difficult to swallow -- but it truly shines during its suspense sequences. For now, their writer is still on board and anxious for the next installment.

Suspend your disbelief and come back for more of "The Following" every Monday at 9 p.m. EST on Fox.

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'The Following' Season 1

'The Following' Season 1

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