The Meaning Of Life (According To The Internet) (VIDEO)

The Meaning Of Life (According To The Internet) (VIDEO)

At O'Reilly's Ignite Event in Seattle, Vanessa Fox detailed her quest to uncover the meaning of life, according to the Internet.

In keeping with the rules of Ignite, Fox, an ex-Googler who was been called a "cyberspace visionary," had just five speedy minutes to explain her quest and findings.

Ignite describes her presentation:

You can find a lot of things [on] the internet, but the meaning of life is not one of them. That doesn't stop Vanessa Fox from trying though. However, in this hero's journey through search engines and other sites she does learn a couple of things.

Among the lessons she learns, according to her short talk: We think the information we get online is accurate, but really "it's just popular," her "dragon name" is Typhon, and "people on the Internet are crazy." Do you agree with her conclusions? Weigh in below.


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