The Reinvention of Aaron Carter

The Reinvention of Aaron Carter
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Aaron Carter

It would be easy to write off Aaron Carter as another troubled and fallen child star. Let’s face it...its not easy handling that kind of success and fame at such an early age. Your older brother is in one of the hottest boy bands, and you’re a child superstar touring with Britney Spears and hanging out with Michael Jackson. Imagine paparazzi everywhere and everyone wanting something from you.

All too young he experienced intense pressure, scrutiny, depression, drugs and death. Eventually, he found himself broke, lost and alone. The parents he trusted to guide and protect him had let him down and he was left to pick up the pieces on his own. Like most of us, Carter struggled to find himself in his 20’s. And, like most of us, he made a lot of mistakes in those years... mistakes he now believes had to happen in order to be better, smarter, and stronger today. I think the saying “Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you find your way” holds true.

Now an all grown up Aaron Carter, who will be 30 years old this December, is back and better than ever with his first new album in over a decade, LOVE. The release of his new project - the EP is available now and the full album is due out this summer - was made possible when executives at Sony heard tracks he produced and came calling. Aaron got the second chance record deal of a lifetime and he’s finally ready to show the world who he really is.

Welcome to the reinvention of Aaron Carter. I sat down with him during a break on his US LOVE tour to learn more about his new album, and his new outlook on life...

Aaron Carter

Your new sound has really transcended your pop past in an amazing way. How did you find this sound as your new direction?

AC: Throughout the years, I’ve been searching for my signature sound and have been focusing on producing tracks that I like and identify with. I have always had a passion for electronic music. My new style and my new EP are a mix of different kinds of electronic music such as dub, trap and tropical house mixed with my pop sound. I am really happy with how it has come together.

This new project really reveals a “new Aaron Carter.” The sound itself, but also because you wrote and produced every track. What moved you to take your project into your own hands?

AC: I wrote and co produced this EP with my team of amazing writers and producers. I definitely didn’t do it all alone. I put together a great team consisting of Michael “Lindgren”, Melanie Fontana and Jon Asher who have been such a great help to me by taking my tracks and putting their own spin or tweaks to it.

It’s been at least a decade since you released new material. Why does now feel like the right time?

AC: Well for lots of reasons. But mainly, I needed to get my personal life together in order to get to where I am now. It doesn’t matter how much talent you have, if you don’t have your personal life in order things can be chaotic. When I finally felt like I was in a good place, I saw a lot of positive change and now I feel that I am on a good path to where I want to be.

Our past makes us bitter or better. Which are you?

AC: BETTER. I went through a lot of hard times in my past, but I refuse to allow that to define my future. Everything I’ve gone through has taught me something and because of that, I’m better, smarter and stronger. I’m not perfect by any means and I still make mistakes, but I’m certainly better than I was. And for that, I’m grateful.

What song from the new record means the most to you personally?

AC: All of them do. This new EP is a reflection of my life and each song is a special piece of me so all of them are meaningful to me.

You’re approaching your 30s. How is Aaron Carter today different than the one the world once knew?

AC: Now I am more of a musician than I used to be. I make my own music and have my own sound. I take a lot of pride in my work today and everything you hear is really me - the sound, the lyrics, the ideas.

Child stars have a hard time evolving into adult careers. Why do you think that is? And what motivated you to choose yourself regardless of what the industry or world has to say?

AC: Kids have a hard time knowing what they want in life or what they want to do. Having a plan, goals and ambition is important. I think child stars lose that sense of drive and focus because it starts to feel like work, when most of us started because it was fun. I think that’s what makes me different - I love the work. I keep making music that makes me happy and that I can identify with.

Sony came knocking on your door after you finished your new EP. How does that feel considering all the work you put into this project?

AC: It was incredible. Steve Zap is an extremely influential person not only in music but also in my life. For someone of his caliber to believe in my project and take it to the next level has been awesome.

The best piece of advice you can offer anyone entering the music industry today...

AC: Don’t ever give up! Keep on trying!

Aaron’s new single, “Sooner or Later” is now available on iTunes. Catch him on his US tour

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