The Revival of the Locavore

The diet of the modern-day "locavore" isn't a new concept, though the word only recently came about. Before society got carried away with all its glittering supermarkets and high-yielding factory farms, food was produced locally and eaten locally, with a few exceptions.
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The diet of the modern-day
isn't a new concept, though the word only recently came about. Before society got carried away with all its glittering supermarkets and high-yielding factory farms, food was produced locally and eaten locally, with a few exceptions.
But wait. What's a locavore, exactly? Is it
or carnivore? Translated from Latin:
locus: a place, spot, or position
vorare: to devour, swallow
Literally, locavore translates to "one who eats only local food." This movement is rapidly growing in the United States, especially among the young professionals we used to call yuppies.
Locavores often hunt (locally, of course) to have access to the foods they've grown accustomed to eating while standing by their farm-to-table beliefs and convictions. They're educated, they're concerned about sustainability, and they're really sick of social media. They are the new hunters.
Championing the movement are some unlikely characters, including hunter Jesse Griffiths, a man
described as "more punk than pastoral." He's been hunting for five years, and during that time, has become an advocate of the sport. He says it's ethical and sustainable, unlike the factory farms we're accustomed to getting our meat from. He's even written a book detailing his experiences and insight (and exactly how to shoot and cook your hunted game).
Griffiths described who these "new hunters" really are: "They're 25 to 35, they like music, food, art. They're socially minded, whatever that might mean. They're interested in hunting, and maybe they weren't five years ago, but they are now... We're taking it away from Ted Nugent."
This new wave of socially conscious, 'hipster' hunters is only continuing to grow. But one problem the new wave of hunters are facing: A lack of rural land to hunt on. With most living in urban areas, getting out of the city to hunt poses one problem, practicing your shot poses another, and getting permission from land owners is an issue in and of itself.
Most state and national parks allow hunting as long as you're licensed, and many private land owners are willing to allow hunters to use their property because it keeps the population of game controlled. They might ask you to pay a fee, but if you're sure the area is rife with wildlife, the fee will be worth it. Joining a local community of experienced hunters is a great way to find the best hunting spots and learn the most effective methods of approaching land owners.

Plus, you'll want someone to join in your victory dance when you land your first game.

Do you believe the new hunters will find as much success hunting as their forefathers? What do you think of the locavore movement as a whole? I'd love to discuss more in the comments section.

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