This Election Reminds Me of High School

This Election Reminds Me of High School
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Go Rams! (Christine Blackburn pictured top far right)
Go Rams! (Christine Blackburn pictured top far right)
Donald is not qualified, not capable, and not trustworthy to be the president of the Richland Rams Class of ‘83, let alone the president of these United States!

Way back… waaaayyy back, during the Reagan administration, I was an 11th grader in high school. It was spring and time for us to vote for our senior class officers. The four positions- president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, had been held by the same four students the previous three years- Kimmy Yates, Jackie Blanchard, Cathy Peterson and Ed Ferber. These kids took the positions seriously and stayed after school weekly to organize dances, fundraisers, and anything and everything, the class would participate in during the school year.

This particular year, the spring of 1982, my classmates decided to get a little rebellious. Instead of voting for Kimmy, Jackie, Cathy and Ed, the shoo-in candidates, the kids that were sure to give us an excellent senior year, the kids that would be responsible for our subsequent high school reunions the rest of our lives.…me and my silly classmates decided to vote for the four most popular boys on the football team instead- Dan McDougal, Dave Whitehall, Sean Miller and Tom Murray.

Oh sure, it was super funny that day in the auditorium when Kimmy, Jackie, Cathy, and Ed made impassioned speeches about what they saw for the future of the class of ’83- a candy bar fundraiser, more dances, a Christmas fair, and a charity spring fling… all and all they had some good, if predictable, ideas. The student body clapped but not very enthusiastically.

Then the football players meandered to the podium to give their completely unprepared speeches, and you guessed it, the kids went wild. Of course the kids went wild. The football players promises were grand and impossible- air conditioning in the school, a pizzeria in the cafeteria, and an extension to the student smoking lounge. (Yes, we had a student smoking lounge!) Who wouldn’t vote for these possibilities? It was an exciting and bold option. So we did. We voted for the football players to be the senior class officers.

I don’t remember much about my senior year of high school mostly because I was stoned every day, but also, because that year we didn’t have many activities. I know this is going to be hard to believe… but the football players, our new class officers, didn’t do much that year. Our dances were lackluster and we never got that air conditioning. The smoking lounge remained crammed and the pizzeria dream remained only Pizza Fridays.

We did have a candy bar fundraiser that spring and raised $750 for our future high school reunions. But the money wasn’t spent that way. As I understand it, the president of Richland High School class of ’83 and captain of the football team, Dan McDougal, went to the principal of the school in 1988 and asked for the 1983 class funds. He was going to throw a 5-year class reunion. The principal handed over the money, but Dan McDougal didn’t spend the money on a class reunion. He bought a used car instead.

We didn’t have a 5-year class reunion. In fact, we didn’t have a 10-year class reunion or 15-year class reunion either. It wasn’t until our 19-year class reunion when Kimmy Yates, the girl that should have been president all along, pulled it together. I attended and so did Dan McDougal, the class president, and I swear almost 20 years after graduating high school, I felt a vibe coming off of that man that said, “Sorry I screwed up guys… I shouldn’t have ran for office...but you shouldn’t have elected the football team.”

I can forgive him. I can forgive all of us. We were kids- 16 and 17 years old. We didn’t know any better. We went for the fast, cheap thrill of voting for someone different, voting for change, voting for the sake of change. We were rebels and we acted like age appropriate morons.

But we can’t do that with the US presidential election. Voting for Donald Trump is voting for the football team all over again. Donald is not qualified, not capable and not trustworthy to be the president of the Richland Rams Class of ‘83 let alone the president of these United States! Donald will not provide air conditioning, a pizzeria, or an extension to the smoking lounge (or recreational weed for that matter!) He will run this country into the ground and there will be no more FUN for anyone!

Please you guys! Don’t vote for the wacky football team. Vote for the tried and true leader- the experienced candidate who will actually get things done! Please vote Kimmy Yates!


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