Time Savers From Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg And Other Busy Women

5 Time-Saving Secrets From Super-Busy Women


Sheryl Sandberg, COO Of Facebook
"I've learned to be deliberate. It's too easy to spend your life in reactive mode, so at the start of every day, week, and month, I identify the most important things to accomplish and set aside time to focus on them first."

Sara Keagle, Flight Attendant
"On any given day, I may have only an hour in a new city. To be efficient, I rely on apps. For food, Urbanspoon is my favorite. On a longer layover, I use AroundMe: I type in what I'm interested in, like craft fairs, and it shows me what's nearby."

Ariella Sprague, Medical Student
"Studies indicate that multitasking lowers productivity. So I focus on one thing at a time, and I do things that require concentration during the day, when I'm most alert. Tasks that require less brain activity, like cleaning, I save for night."

Annise Parker, Mayor Of Houston
"I lay out my clothes the night before so once I wake up, there's not one minute wasted. In the morning, I put on minimal makeup, don't usually eat a hot breakfast at home, and skip reading the paper. I can read that at the end of the day."

Jennifer Murray, Mother Of 5-Year-Old Quadruplets
"I free up time with a game of team tidying: mom versus quads. It's amazing how quickly the dinosaurs disappear and the trains get tucked away. And I love the quiet that (briefly) follows!"

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