Top Ten Art Galleries In Strange Places (PHOTOS)

10 Art Galleries In Strange Places

We know sometimes art galleries can be a little stuffy, the cold white walls and icy gallerinas leaving much to be desired. As Land Art legend Robert Smithson put it, "A work of art when placed in a gallery loses its charge, and becomes a portable object or surface disengaged from the outside world."

We've picked ten spaces that strip away the white-walled objectivity of the gallery norm; in fact, some of the galleries have no walls at all. Some require an unusually drawn-out schlep, like climbing through underground tunnels or scuba diving miles off the coast. One is so small humans can't actually make it inside, while another is 6,500 square miles, and the last has no boundaries at all!

The following ten galleries illuminate that a space does not have to feign invisibility to allow the art to speak. An art gallery can make an argument or a joke, enhancing and transforming the gallery going experience. Behold, our ten favorite art galleries in very strange places.

As always, let us know what you think in the comments section below.

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