Wallace the Brave is a little taste of classic comics from the past

Wallace the Brave is a little taste of classic comics from the past
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10 Questions in 10 Minutes

I'm a big fan of Will Henry Wilson's comic strip, "Wallace The Brave" comic strip which is published at GoComics daily. It’s not only clever, but I love the drawing style. It reminds me a lot of Calvin and Hobbes and Cul de Sac. There’s not usually a gag each day, it’s more of a slice of life. I recently interviewed Will about Wallace the Brave.

Will Henry Wison in his liquor store/studio

Will Henry Wison in his liquor store/studio

Will Henry Wilson

TOM: You have two comic strips, Wallace The Brave and Ordinary Bill. Ordinary Bill was simple line drawing and black and white, Wallace is a masterpiece of art and color. How did that come about? The change in look, I mean?

WILL: Ha, "masterpiece"... made me laugh. I created Ordinary Bill when I was in college. It was an incredibly limiting strip and my style and ideas were still developing. Throughout the years I was writing Ordinary Bill I felt it was important to keep the original look, even though my style developed. Eventually I ended Ordinary Bill and thought I'd start a new comic that better represented where I was. That's where Wallace came from

TOM: How far ahead do you work before a comic is published?

WILL: Legitimate year, maybe more. I even have two years of unpublished Wallace Sunday strips....slacker.

TOM: Do you draw digitally or the old fashioned way - pen and ink?

WILL: I'm a 32 year old dinosaur, it's all pen, paper, ink and watercolor. I do color the comics digitally for the web, though...so yeah I'm hip.

TOM: Wallace is a "little maniac," your words. Is he based on you?

WILL: I don't believe I was THAT rambunctious as a kid. My mother may disagree

TOM: There's a lot of Cul de Sac and Calvin and Hobbes in your work, do you realize that?

WILL: Absolutely! I crafted Ordinary Bill to resemble the line work of Calvin and Hobbes and my original Submission to syndicates for Wallace the Brave had a heavy Cul de Sac influence. I've been drawing Wallace for a couple years and I think I'm just now developing a look that is distinctly me.

TOM: Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall?

WILL: Nothing beats summer in Rhode Island

TOM: Friends or Seinfeld?

WILL: Honestly, neither. Arrested Development

TOM: Other than cartooning, what talent would you like to have?

WILL: I'd love to be able to juggle. Not just balls, but chainsaws and torches

TOM: What living person do you most admire?

WILL: Grandma Betty. You don't know her, but she rocks

TOM: What is your motto?

WILL: "Hold my beer"

Thanks, Will!

Read Tom Falco's blog Tomversation for his own comic panel, along with his take on art, comics, culture, history and more.

Wallace the Brave

Wallace the Brave


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