Week to Week News Quiz for 12/11/15

Week to Week News Quiz for 12/11/15
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This week, lots of people were coming or going, threatening to come or go, or trying to stop people from coming or going. What's happening? Find out in our latest Week to Week news quiz.

Here are some random but real hints: Like a real-life Speed without Sandra Bullock; it would lighten the load for the TSA; he has less leverage than Trump; and honor means meeting commitments. Answers are below the quiz.

1. This week, President Obama ordered his staff to draw up a plan to deal with what?
a. Climate change
b. Voting rights violations
c. Gun violence
d. Income inequality

2. What happened to 50 passengers on a Boston-area train?
a. Their driverless-train went five miles and through four stations before it could be stopped
b. They were attacked by a man with a dagger
c. They won $24 million when they each gave $1 to a lottery pool
d. They were reported missing after getting onto a train Tuesday night when the bars closed

3. On Monday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump put forward a new anti-terrorism plan. What was it?
a. Use nuclear weapons against Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran
b. Let him negotiate directly with ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi
c. Build a 12-foot wall completely around the Middle East
d. Prevent Muslims from entering the United States

4. The New York Times published a gun control editorial on its front page this past week, the first time it has published a front-page editorial since 1920. What was the 1920 editorial about?
a. It was a demand that Germany and Turkey repay their World War I debts in full
b. It was an expression of dismay at the nomination of Warren G. Harding as the GOP presidential candidate
c. The editors expressed their confidence that the "new industrial economics" had banished forever "the threat and fear of recession"
d. It urged President Woodrow Wilson to rescind his recent executive order that prevented private ownership of "surplus war muskets and cannonry"

5. North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un claimed that his country finally has its first what?
a. ISIS terror attack
b. Hydrogen bomb
c. High-speed train
d. Free thought

6. Donald Trump was all set to make a visit to Israel, but then he canceled it and said he'd go once he's president. What happened?
a. Israel revoked his permission to enter
b. He told CNBC that Israel "has too many Muslims" and he felt that he would not be safe there
c. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement disagreeing with Trump's comments on Muslims
d. He had to cancel his Hebrew lessons because his advisors said he was "unteachable"

7. What did the Vatican tell Catholics this week that they should not do?
a. Go to confession
b. Marry Methodists or Presbyterians
c. Vote for Donald Trump
d. Try to convert Jews to Christianity

8. Who threatened to leave the Republican Party following reports that some GOP leaders were seeking to unite behind an establishment candidate?
a. Dr. Ben Carson
b. House Speaker Paul Ryan
c. Former NBA player Charles Barkley
d. Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin

9. Who is the latest victim of activist hacker group Anonymous?
a. Planned Parenthood
b. The Koch brothers
c. Pope Francis
d. Donald Trump

10. Who is the target of protestors demanding his resignation over police shootings?
a. Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker
b. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel
c. Senator Bernie Sanders
d. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett

BONUS. Former Daily Show host Jon Stewart has been publicly shaming Congress over its failure to do what?
a. Close the prison at Guantanamo
b. Raise the federal minimum wage
c. Pass a health-care bill for 9/11 first responders
d. Protect comedians from libel and slander lawsuits

1. c.
2. a.
3. d.
4. b.
5. b.
6. c.
7. d.
8. a.
9. d.
10. b.

Want the live news quiz experience? Join us Monday, December 14 in downtown San Francisco for our next live (and lively) Week to Week political roundtable with a news quiz and a social hour at The Commonwealth Club of California. Panelists will include Melissa Caen, C.W. Nevius, and Josh Richman.

Explanations of the hints: Like a real-life Speed without Sandra Bullock: the train was out of control; it would lighten the load for the TSA: Trump's controversial proposal would prevent Muslims from entering the country; he has less leverage than Trump: Trump has also threatened to leave the party, but he's in first place--Carson's support meanwhile is plummeting; and honor means meeting commitments: Stewart is trying to shame Congress into providing care to the people who have been suffering from ailments caused in the 9/11 terrorist attack.

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