What's Worse? Clinton's Failure to Apologize for Iraq War Vote or Failure to Apologize to Obamas for Assassination Comment?

Where is the apology to America still traumatized by the assassinations of Martin, Malcolm, John and Bobby? To the African American community still traumatized by the fear that the same could happen to Barack?
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"Never say you're sorry" seems to be Hillary Clinton's motto.

She has still not apologized for voting to give George Bush the authority to go to war in Iraq. I'm not sure what's of more concern--If she voted for the Iraq War resolution honestly because she trusted George Bush to do the right thing, or she voted for the resolution dishonestly because she was afraid that doing otherwise would make her look weak and threaten a future presidential run. My guess is the latter. (As Bill Clinton has famously said, "it's better to be strong and wrong than weak and right". I suspect her vote was based on this political calculation. She never even bothered to read the National Intelligence Estimate that raised questions about whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Why bother if you don't care if you're wrong as long as you appear strong?) Her vote contributed to the death of over 4,000 American soldiers, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's, 4 million more Iraqi's forced into internal or external exile, $2 trillion dollars added to America's national debt, and the decline of America's prestige in the world. Yet she still can't bring herself to apologize. That is a true travesty.

Now, whether out of political calculation or the darkness of her unconscious, Hillary justifies staying in the Presidential race, when she has virtually no chance of winning the nomination, by invoking the assassination of Robert Kennedy in June, 1968. And the best she can offer is a weak apology to anyone "who might have been offended" and a remark that with Ted Kennedy's brain tumor, the Kennedy family has been on her mind. Where is the apology to Barack Obama, to Michelle Obama, to 6-year old Sasha Obama, to 9-year old Malia Ann Obama, to the African American community still traumatized by the assassination of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and the fear that the same could happen to Barack Obama, to America still traumatized by those assassinations of Martin, Malcolm, John and Bobby?

Which is worse--voting to send America into an unnecessary war and her failure to apologize for her vote, or her invocation of political assassination as a reason to stay in the presidential race and her failure to really apologize for that?

UPDATE: Now the Clinton motto seems to have evolved from "never say you're sorry" to "if you screw up, act like a victim and blame your opponent." According to the Washington Post, "Clinton's campaign accused Sen. Barack Obama's campaign of fanning a controversy over her describing the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy late in the 1968 Democratic primary as one reason she is continuing to run for the Presidency. " According to the New York Times website, "The Clinton Campaign is in full push-back mode". Hillary herself wrote a letter to the NY Daily News defending her comment "to set the record straight". On CBS News, Clinton Communications Director Howard Wolfson accused the Obama campaign of being "inflammatory" and acccused the media of fanning the flames. Clinton Finance head Terry McAuliffe told Fox News that Clinton had not apologized to Obama, "nor should she", while Wolfson agreed it is "absolutely right" that Clinton didn't want to apologize to Obama for the remark.
Hillary and her operatives are now in full counter-attack mode. Amazing.
And speaking of Fox News, Fox anchor Liz Trotta reported on Clinton's assassination comments by mistakently calling Obama "Osama" and then quickly correcting herself by giggling that they should both be bumped off. Hillary says word's don't matter, bu they get filtered through the media echo chamber from an interview with a S. Dakota newpaper, to Fox News, to who know what crazies may be watching?
Will the remaining 212 uncommitted superdelegates finally have the courage to take a stand before more damage is done?

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