Whoopi Goldberg Bleeped Out For Saying 'A-sholes' On 'The View' (VIDEO)

WATCH: Whoopi Gets Bleeped AGAIN

Whoopi Goldberg was bleeped out for the second time this week in a heated discussion about young girls getting bikini waxes on Thursday's "The View."

All of the co-hosts of the show seemed outraged at the emerging trend of parents taking their daughters to get bikini waxes. Sherri Shepherd asked, "Why would you give your 12-year old a bikini wax? Why would you make her feel like it's dirty and nasty, the hair that she has?"

Whoopi lay the blame squarely with parents in response -- and she didn't hold back expressing it. She started to say, "Cause the mothers feel that way. Women go and get brazilians, they get hot wax put in --" but producers bleeped out her next few words.

The rest of her sentence was "a-sholes" and what appeared to be the word "yanked." She used a swooping arm motion to depict the act of applying the wax, and a yanking motion to depict removing a wax strip.

This is the second time that Goldberg has gotten bleeped in the past three days. On Tuesday, she said that she would trust a politician who was not faithful to their spouse "as long as you're not boning the country."

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