Why Women Can't Get Away From "Soft" News

Why Women Can't Get Away From 'Soft' News

A recent study by the Op-Ed Project found that while women wrote half or more of the editorials last year on gender, family, and style, their share of op-eds on politics and the economy were worryingly small. In traditional media outlets during the study period, women wrote just 11% of op-eds on the economy, and around 12% of those on international politics. In new media, the picture wasn't much better - women there wrote just 19% of editorials on the economy.

It's not that there are no female experts in these fields - male economists do outnumber female ones, the Op-Ed Project points out, but the gap is closing. Rather, women aren't writing on areas of their expertise. Some say the problem is that women just don't pitch articles as much as men do, but others argue it goes far deeper.

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