Why You Need a Second Apartment

While it may seem excessive at first, an extra apartment can be a necessity for most people. Here are some practical uses for a second place of your own.
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The New York Times recently discussed the trend of New Yorkers buying second apartments in their buildings. People cited uses like extra storage, a man cave, and a place on a lower floor to focus, when the view in the penthouse was too distracting. While it may seem excessive at first, an extra apartment can be a necessity for most people. Here are some practical uses for a second place of your own:

Give Your Cash a Home
I keep spare change in a dish by my front door, but all those pesky $100 bills never fit. Furnish with a few couches to stuff any errant diamonds you may have lying around.

Café You
Starbucks is always so damn crowded. Who wants to find a table, let alone wait in line? A modest one bedroom can house your own private coffee shop, complete with a staff room for the guy you hire to make your lattes and butter your scones. (Note: A two bedroom is ideal to accommodate scone-baking. )

A Place to Put Your Least Favorite Kid
Hear me out. First of all, you know everyone has a favorite. Second, if your children know the favorite stays in the penthouse, while the other is relegated to a ground level studio with no terrace, you can bet those kids will be motivated to make their beds.

Ascetic Abode
All your fancy stuff is awesome, but sometimes you need an escape from the material things in life. A large studio with water views should provide enough space for zen reflection to keep you grounded. Pick up some crystals, candles, maybe a guru from Tibet, and you're set!

Voicemail Recording Studio
Finally, a place to record your voicemail greeting, without the pesky white noise your main apartment may have.

Isn't it time your cat -- and kitty litter -- gave you some space? Wouldn't you like somewhere to put your dog when you're not toting it around in your purse? If your pet has a condo, you won't have to deal with all the smells, shedding or constant need for attention. Best of all, you can stop worrying about the well-being of your furniture.

Apple Appartment
Your iPhone and other iThings are just so great. Plus they started out in such depressing living conditions. Don't they deserve some place nice?

Fake Out Place
Buy a second apartment that's less than 1,000 square feet and decorate it in Ikea furniture, movie posters and framed photographs. Invite your friends over and take them to this apartment first. Watch them balk in horror at your supposed living conditions. Hilarious!

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