Why You Should Start Your Business in Your 20s

Starting a business at any age is scary and nerve racking. What if I fail? I can't let that happen! Drop the negativity, and start chasing your dreams, now! For me, I started my business at 22. Here are my top five reasons why I truly believe you should start your business in your 20s.
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Starting a business at any age is scary and nerve racking. What if I fail? I can't let that happen! Drop the negativity, and start chasing your dreams, now! For me, I started my business at 22. I am the co-founder of TwinFin Media Marketing, as well as the lead Digital Marketing Strategist. Here are my top five reasons why I truly believe you should start your business in your 20s:

1. Small Risks -- Few Commitments: Most likely at 20 years old you don't have mortgage payments, medical bills, or even children, that your monthly income needs to cover and help pay for. So starting your business at such a young age is less of a risk. If your business for some reason fails, you won't be freaking out as much, thinking about how you are going to have to pay all your bills. You're still young, and a quick career change (if even only temporary) is possible!

2. Rejection -- That's Nothing New: Being a millennial, we are so use to rejection. Between college rejection letters and job applications denied, we are no stranger to this. More so than the generations a head of us and behind us. (I mean, most of us did graduate college during the worst economic situation in decades.) Being able to handle rejection with grace is a powerful skill every entrepreneur needs to have. So when clients, banks, or partnerships don't work out (which will happen) you will have the strength to pick your stuff up and keep moving. Let the word NO, never stop you!

3. You Know Your Stuff When It Comes To Technology And Social Media: It doesn't matter what your business does, today you need an active online presence. Lucky for us, we live and breath technology and social media, so implementing this marketing strategy into our business plan is a no brainer. Not only that, we know what is appropriate to post on each platform. You won't catch us #hashtagging on Facebook or putting unclickable links in an Instagram caption. NO WAY!

4. Time is on your side: This seems like a no brainer, but it is definitely important to note. You have the time to learn, fail, and grow. You have the time to solely commit to your business before you have other real commitments [marriage, kids,etc.]. You have the time to decide if this business is truly your passion or if you want to switch things up. [Refer to No. 1: you're still in the small risk stage]

5. Go Travel -- You Can Work From Anywhere In The World: How many times have you read someones Twitter rant about how they want to quit their job and go travel the world. Well guess what? You can, and you should. With today's technology, as long as you have internet access you can have an online job. This means you can work from literally anywhere. This doesn't mean because you are on the beaches of Fiji that it'll be any easier than sitting in your bedroom late at night. But the fact that it is possible, is so awesome!

Stop wasting time and saying one day I'll be my own boss. It's never going to the right time to take the leap. So grab your passion, grab your motivation, and get to work!

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