Wishes for a New Year

Wishes for a New Year
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Another year has come to an end. How come so fast? Only last week we celebrated Christmas 2016. Where did time fly to? As we get older time passes faster and faster. Why does it feel that way? It also goes faster in New York and Los Angeles then in Mexico (not Mexico City. Outside Mexico City) The more rural the area the slowest is the clock. The slowest I experienced was during a safari. Nature has its own clock. Industrialization a different clock. We all want to live a long life. To feel it was a long life. The more successful we are in our career, the more efficient is the city or country we are in the faster the clock turns (it feels like…) Meditate. It will slow you down. The time you invest in meditation you will get in dividends: you will feel life is longer, better, less stressful. All in all for the New Year my wishes to all of us is to be healthy, to slow down, smell the roses. Remember what counts in life is not how much you have but how much you enjoy it ( Thanks Ricardo for pointing this out to me ) Analyze where are you wasting time: driving to and from work, looking through Facebook, reading the newspapers who often have nothing real worth reading, watching stupid tv channels, having a useless ego driven fight with your spouse... where? Can you cut it out and live longer? I am trying to. Focus on what you love. What you are passionate about. And the more you help others to have a good life the better you will feel about your life. Happy New Year Yours,

Ichak Adizes

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